What are the benefits of laser dentistry from our dental Coorparoo?


When most people think about attending a check-up with a dentist, they do not picture having lasers being used on them. In fact, it sounds like something out of science fiction!

But, in recent years, more dentists have been investing in laser dentistry, and the patients are feeling and noticing the advantages of this tool being used to help keep their mouths clean and healthy.

As our name suggests, our team at Brisbane Laser Dentist is proud to be able to offer laser dentistry, and our dental Coorparoo team will always be happy to answer any questions that you (or your children) have about how we use lasers to improve your dental health.

So, with that in mind, what are some of the benefits of seeing our dental Coorparoo team and having some laser-guided dentistry? Read on to find out.

Less discomfort

Lasers are able to perform many procedures with less discomfort than traditional methods.

Visualise, if you will, that our dental Coorparoo team needs to perform an extraction. Traditionally, this would involve using a scalpel and making some precision cuts into the gum line. This is usually quite uncomfortable, even if it is done carefully.

But, as lasers allow for less tissue to be cut into and the incisions are thinner, it does not cause as much discomfort.

Less bleeding

Lasers are able to cauterise blood vessels as they cut, which reduces bleeding during and after the procedure.

This means that you will be less likely to need stitches, and there will not be as much blood afterwards when you brush or floss your teeth. After all, no one likes spitting blood into their sink, even if they have just had a dental extraction!

Faster healing

Because laser procedures result in less tissue damage and less bleeding, patients generally experience faster healing times. Also, as the laser removes any bacteria from the area as it cauterises, it also reduces the chance of an infection forming. This is great if you have recently had a tooth removed and aren’t a fan of stitches!

Less anaesthesia needed

It’s safe to say that dental tools have all had a role in the removal of teeth and fitting of fillings for well over 100 years or more. But, they can often cause discomfort, and even the most steady-handed dentist may need to apply more anaesthetic if they have a patient who has sensitive gums. Since laser dentistry is less invasive than traditional methods, patients often require less anaesthetic, so there will be no numb gum or face afterwards!

More precision

Lasers allow for greater precision when performing procedures, which can reduce the risk of complications and lead to better outcomes.

Let’s go back to the example of dental extraction. Specifically, a surgical extraction, which would require our team to cut into the gum line to remove the tooth. Typically, a scalpel would be used, which is a precise tool, but it can cause damage to the surrounding tissues.

A laser, on the other hand, is more precise, and our team can ensure that only the necessary parts of the gum are opened.