Extractions at Brisbane Laser Dentist; an introductory guide

When it comes to looking after and restoring your teeth, many dental teams will try to avoid extractions when possible.
And as dental techniques have advanced, it is now possible to restore teeth which are more heavily impacted by decay or trauma, meaning that you can retain as many teeth in your mouth as possible.
But if our team does decide that you need to have an extraction, what exactly does this entail and are there any risks to be aware of?
At Brisbane Laser Dentist, our team are proud of the array of restorative solutions that we can offer our customers, including crowns and root canals. So when searching online for a ‘dentist near me’ rest assured that if you live in Coorparoo, we may be able to restore any damaged teeth you have in your mouth to their previous functionality. Fantastic!
Now, back to the procedure of dental extractions and what you can expect to occur.
The procedure
An extraction is a fairly straightforward procedure, provided that the tooth does not fracture, break or snap due to decay.
When searching online for a ‘dentist near me’ that can perform extractions, you may have seen videos depicting what occurs during extractions but rest assured, at Brisbane Laser Dentist we will numb the area and aim to remove the tooth in one clean pull!
You may be unaware that the ‘dentist near me will probably be able to offer you surgical extractions, which are warranted if the tooth has broken off or has had gum grow over it due to its decomposition.
If you need a surgical extraction, our team will probably apply stitches as the hole required to extract all of the tooth fragments will be larger.
Once the tooth is removed, we will recommend avoiding hard foods for a few days, so stock up on soups and mash.
We will advise that you use salt water to rinse the area up to 4 times per day, to keep it clean and free of debris. If you need to take pain relief, aim to take paracetamol but be sure to keep an eye out for signs of infection at the extraction site such as swelling and odour.
If we have stitched the gum, you may need to come back in to see us a week after the extraction to have the stitches removed.
Extractions are not without their own risk; they can open up the area to infection which is characterised by a foul taste, odour and discomfort.
It is worth talking to our team about what your long-term plans are for replacing the lost tooth; many people are unaware, but having a tooth removed causes the gum and jaw to shrink down in that area, potentially causing surrounding teeth to destabilise.
Our team may be able to offer you dental implants to replace the lost tooth, but this will depend on your oral hygiene and other things such as general health and lifestyle habits.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.